July Jobs Stimulus 2020


On July 23rd the Government published the July Jobs Stimulus package worth €7.4bn. In it they note that The July Jobs Stimulus will help get Ireland’s businesses back on their feet and get as many people as possible back to work quickly. It is the next stage in Ireland’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, building on the extensive business and employment supports already deployed.”

Pandemic Unemployment Payment

Amongst the actions announced was the extension of Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) until April 2021. However, further changes will be made to the payment rates as follows:

  • From September 17th 2020 until January 31st 2021 the Pandemic Unemployment Payment will be paid at three rates depending on the recipient’s pre-COVID 19 weekly wages.

-      Anyone who earned less than €200 per week, their PUP will be €203 per week, a change that was made at the end of June;

-      For those who earned between €200 and €300 per week, their PUP will be €250 per week;

-      Anyone who earned over €300 per week, they will receive €300 per week.

  • From February 1st 2021 until April 1st PUP will be paid at two rates.

-      Anyone who earned up to €300 per week, their PUP will be €203 per week

-      Anyone who earned more than €300 per week, their PUP will be €250 per week.

  • From April 1st 2021, anyone still on a PUP will need to apply for a Jobseeker’s payment, either Jobseeker's Benefit or Jobseeker's Allowance or Jobseeker's Benefit for the Self-Employed, whichever is the most appropriate.

The Government estimates in the document that the extension of the PUP will cost €700m. 

Education and Training

Under the heading Support People without jobs, especially young people on page 3 of the document the Government notes there will be “€200m investment in training and education, skills development, work placement schemes, recruitment subsidies, and job search and assistance measures, will help those who have lost their jobs find a new one, retrain, or develop new skills, in particular for emerging growth sectors.”

Amongst the measures identified are:

-        10,000 additional places on work placement and experience schemes available for those unemployed for over 6 months. 

-        12,500 additional places funded through the Training Support Grant for short term skills training.

-        35,000 additional places in further and higher education: Skills to Compete Initiative (SOLAS), Skillnet, Springboard+ and the Human Capital Initiative, additional undergraduate and postgraduate provision in Higher Ed.  

-        Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme: € 2,000 to support employers to take on new apprenticeships in 2020.

-        A Retrofit Skills Training Initiative will support future expansion of the National Retrofitting Programme.

Employment Programmes and Services

Also in the same section of the document they say there will be:

-        8,000 recruitment subsidies under JobsPlus: €7,500 over two years for employers to hire someone under the age of 30 who is on the Live Register or PUP. According to the most recent Live Register figures, people aged 15-24 account for 14% of those on the Register, and people aged 25-34 account for 25%. While on the PUP payment, these age groups account for 43%. 

-        Capacity of Public Employment Service will be increased to support jobseekers through job search advice and assistance, including through contracted services JobClubs, JobPath and Local Employment Services.

-        Back to Work Enterprise Allowance and Back to Education Allowance extended to people currently in receipt of PUP.

-        3,000 additional places will be funded on State Employment schemes such as Community Employment and Tús.

If you wish to read the July Jobs Stimulus please follow this link https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/b8bc5-july-jobs-stimulus-plan/