Welcome to Issue 53 of the INOU e-Bulletin!
In this issue we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the INOU’s founding and all the work done throughout those years. In What was in Budget 2023 for unemployed people? we examine the Budget under three key issues: adequate income, inclusive labour markets, and activation programmes.
In Projects we discuss our two recent projects, The impact of stigma on unemployed people exercising their socio-economic rights undertaken with TASC and Employer Youth Employment Charter undertaken with the help of a number of community youth services and programmes. We have a long awaited return of INOU Out and About, where we hear from our Welfare Rights Information Service team as they visit events around the country to help people with accessing unemployment supports.
We have a piece on the Reconfiguring of Public Employment Services. We have a breakdown of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare report as it concerns employment and social protection, and in Recent Statistics we break down the Q3 Labour Force Survey and the Survey of Income and Living Conditions 2022.
We have a breakdown of the Community Platform’s Collaborative Governance paper: Towards a Progressive Model of Collaborative Governance. We have a piece on Shortages in the Rental Market which covers the decline in the rental market and the implications of price rises on HAP recipients. We have a piece on where to find adult literacy and numeracy educational opportunities, and we break down the INOU’s submission to the Roadmap for Social Inclusion Mid-term Review.