Welcome to Issue 57 of the INOU e-Bulletin!
In this Issue we look at the EaSI Lone Parents Digital Activation Project; and the proposed introduction of a Pay Related Jobseeker’s Benefit payment. We explore some of the unemployment findings from three of the profiles published by the Central Statistics Office based on the data from Ireland’s Census 2022. There is an article highlighting the findings of the OECD’s report on Ireland’s National Social Enterprise policy. Another article looks at the opportunities SOLAS eCollege could provide; and a range of affordable activities that could help people address the isolation unemployment can create. There is an article looking at the issue of energy poverty, developments at the European level, and MESL research undertaken in Ireland. And finally we have articles from the Samaritans marking their seventieth anniversary; and one from FIT describing their and AHEAD tips for employers on being disability inclusive in apprenticeships.

The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development.