Samaritans – 70 years of Listening


Samaritans will mark the Longest Night of the Year later this month to remind those struggling to cope that its helpline is open during their darkest hours, especially this Christmas.

Volunteers answered over 33,000 calls to Samaritans 24-hour freephone number (116 123) last December, including more than 950 on Christmas Day alone.

The mental health charity is asking landmarks and public buildings across the country to light up in green to mark the Longest Night on the Winter Solstice on Wednesday, December 21st, to show people Samaritans are here for them during the long dark nights.

Samaritans has asked if you or anyone you know is connected to a business, landmark or heritage site which can light up in green to ask them to support the Longest Night campaign. More information is available on the Samaritan’s website (linked here).

If you don’t work for or know an organisation who can light up in green, can you support Samaritans online by shining on social media. Download some online posters and digital assets from the Samaritan’s website (linked here) and tag @SamaritansIRL.

Anne Corcoran, Partnership & Operations Manager with Samaritans Ireland – who regularly delivers training to INOU members – said: “Samaritans answered tens of thousands of calls last December, with almost 1,000 calls for help on Christmas Day alone.

“That’s why support for the Longest Night is essential. By helping to raise awareness of Samaritans, you could literally help save lives.

“We support people who may be feeling alone and isolated during the festive seasons, but also those who may be struggling with mental health issues or have family, relationship or family problems. Our message is clear, if you’re struggling to cope call freephone 116 123, anytime of the day or night.”

Samaritans partners with the INOU to offer ‘Conversations with Vulnerable People’ training module to the member organisations who support the more vulnerable in society. As active listening is the core of Samaritans’ service, the charity also offers a practical workshop helping people build their listening skills to better support colleagues, clients, family, and friends who may not be coping.

It is amazing that the charity, which now boasts over 2,000 volunteers in 24 branches and satellite branches across Ireland, recently celebrated 70 years of listening.

On 2nd November 1953, Chad Varah, a vicar and writer-cartoonist, answered the first-ever call to a brand new helpline for people contemplating suicide. It soon grew, with the first branch in Ireland opening in Belfast in 1961, followed by Dublin Samaritans in 1970.

Sarah O’Toole, Executive Director of Samaritans Ireland: It is incredible that Samaritans has marked 70 years of listening. Our incredible volunteers give their time freely each and every day to provide that human connection and lifeline for anyone finding it difficult to cope.

“We want to thank them – and all our supporters – for all they do.”

Remember, if you, a family member, friend, or colleague need support this festive season call Samaritans on freephone 116 123 or email