Unemployment Related Isolation: Getting Out of the House With Free and Low Cost Activities


Unemployment can be an isolating experience. For most people work is where they have most of their social interactions in a day. People without a job can find themselves stuck in the house on their own while their neighbours, friends, and family are at work. It can be difficult to even find reasons to leave the house. Most social activities cost money and for someone on Jobseekers there is rarely much money to spare after paying for the bare necessities. Meeting people for drinks is more expensive than ever, as is going out for a meal or even a cup of coffee.

Even activities that don’t involve buying food and drink can cost a lot. Sports cost money for equipment, memberships, participation fees. Even viewing sports costs money, at amateur and semi-pro level entrance to matches can be far more affordable, but if you don’t have money to spare it doesn’t matter if it is €15 or €50. The same can be said for live music, theatre, and other cultural activities.

There are, however, a wide range of activities that cost little or no money and can provide a social outlet. These include:

Men’s sheds

There are a wide range of Men’s Sheds across the country. Many are community groups which meet together socially and organise outings and activities for members, some are connected to other community groups such as Community Gardens, while others like TOG (on the Kylemore Road in Dublin) are fee paying but provide access to a wide range of technical and crafting equipment. Men’s Sheds are typically aimed at older men, although some like TOG have a relatively younger membership.

To find a local men’s shed visit the Irish Men’s Sheds Association Ireland website (linked here)

Community Gardens

There are Community Gardens across the country who accept volunteers of all ages. Unlike allotments, Community Gardens are shared and decisions are made by the volunteers together as to how the garden will develop. They provide a great social outlet and the satisfaction of gardening on a larger scale than most have available to them at home.

To find a local community garden visit the Community Gardens Ireland website (linked here)

Community Walking Groups

Getting out and getting a bit of exercise is great for both mental and physical health. There are hundreds of community walking groups across the country. Community walking groups are great for socializing during long walks in scenic parts of the country. They tend to have a middle-aged to retirement age membership.

To find a walking group visit the Get Ireland Walking website (linked here)

Evening Classes

Up and down the country Education and Training Board (ETB) colleges and community schools offer evening courses ranging from fun evening classes like arts and crafts, to QQI courses of all levels. Evening courses are a great way of meeting people with similar interests and learning new skills. With the wide variety of courses and classes available a learner can choose what they want to learn and at what level.

To find a local evening class visit the courses.ie website (linked here)

Library Clubs and Groups

Local Libraries offer more than books and computer access. Many also offer Book Clubs, Film clubs, Craft Groups, and language exchanges where native speakers of other languages and English speakers can help each other practice and learn each other’s language.

To find your local library and see what they have to offer visit the libraries Ireland website (linked here)


There are hundreds of organisations and community groups across the country looking for volunteers for short-term, long-term, and event roles. A regular volunteering role can also give structure to a week which is often lacking without a job.

To find a volunteer role visit the national volunteering database website (linked here)