Tallaght Retail and Transport Recruitment event on June 20th
Robbie and Gerry attended an event in Tallaght Intreo Office. It was a small but busy event with exhibitors from various companies, recruitment agencies and education providers. It was the first event where we were able to distribute copies of the 30th edition of Working for Work and they went down well with both the attendees and exhibitors.
There were a number of queries from individuals relating to back to work supports and we were able to provide them our bespoke pamphlet on Supports for Jobseekers re-entering the work force.
Recruitment event in Newbridge Intreo Building on April 25th
The Newbridge event was held in the Intreo building and was well attended and very busy. There were exhibitors from many different employers, recruitment companies and training/education providers. The INOU had three information officers in attendance: Robbie, Gerry, and James. We provided copies of Working for Work and our Back to Work Support Leaflets , which were very popular. Our information officers were kept busy answering questions from jobseekers. Many of the queries were related to back to work supports, including Working Family Payment, Back to Work Family Dividend and the Part-time Job Incentive Scheme.
Intreo Work and Skills Fair in Ballyfermot on April 24th
The DSP invited us to attend a small jobs fair in the Library in Ballyfermot. It mostly revolved around the travel and logistics industry. We distributed copies of Working for Work , Back to Work Support Leaflets and also Employer Supports Leaflets. Robbie and Gerry from the Welfare Rights section were in attendance and kept busy answering various queries, mostly around back to work supports.