Welcome to Issue 62 of the INOU e-Bulletin!
In this issue we recognise the enormous contribution of John Stewart, who has retired as INOU Director. As newly elected politicians meet to form the next government, there is a piece on some measures which the INOU believe should be included in the Programme for Government. We explore issues emerging in the third annual progress report on Pathways to Work (the national employment services strategy). There is a report on Cuimsiú, a new programme which aims to create pathways into tech employment for people who are neurodivergent and other people with disabilities; and there’s a piece on Solas’ 20th annual National Skills Bulletin.
We discuss the launch of a great film made by ATD Ireland on the need to add a socio-economic status ground to equality legislation; while a Joint Oireachtas Committee Report on social welfare system means testing is looked at, in an article that reminds us that this system can have very rigid and hard edges.
There is an article on the INOU’s new Training Calendar; and there is a separate piece about the INOU Discussion Forums. There’s an article on some of the important services provided by the Irish Cancer Society. While you can also read about an OECD report on automation and generative AI., which includes potential impacts specific to Ireland.
We hope you have a lovely Christmas and happy New Year from all of us in the INOU!

The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development.