John Stewart retires from the INOU

John and Joanne 16.10.24

On October 16th, 2024, John Stewart retired as the Director of the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed (INOU). John had worked for the INOU for over twenty-five years. He was appointed as INOU Coordinator in August 2008. Before he was appointed to this position, John undertook the roles of INOU Assistant General Secretary and Personnel and Development Officer. At the organisation’s Annual Delegate Conference in 2024 the job title of INOU Coordinator was changed to INOU Director.

John made a huge contribution to the work and development of the INOU, not only was Araby House on North Richmond Street, Dubin 1 retrofitted, but the INOU now operates the Learning Hub on Townsend Street, Dublin 2. The training work now based in the Learning Hub grew out of an innovative training programme aimed at unemployed people the INOU was able to develop with the financial support of the Mount Street Trust.

John’s guidance, knowledge and commitment to the INOU will be sorely missed by the organisation’s National Executive Committee, staff, members and affiliates, and by colleagues within the wider community, local and voluntary sectors.

Prior to joining the INOU John worked in a range of senior HR Management positions in local authorities and education establishments in the UK. John has been a long-standing Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and has a keen interest in gardening. Everyone working in and involved with the INOU wishes John every happiness and good health in his retirement.