Other Benefits and Supports
This page provides information on a range of other Benefits and Supports which may be available to Jobseekers.
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
- Rent Supplement
- Medical Card
- Fuel Allowance
- Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance (BTSCFA)
- Christmas Bonus
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is a form of social housing support provided by all local authoritiesfor people who have a long-term housing need. HAP means that local authorities can provide housing assistance for households who qualify for social housing support, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.
Under the HAP scheme you can take up full-time employment and keep your housing support.
Click here for more information about the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
- Rent Supplement
Rent Supplement is a short-term housing support paid to people living in private rented accommodation who cannot provide for the cost of their accommodation from their own resources. In general, you will qualify for a Rent Supplement, if your only income is a social welfare payment and you satisfy the other conditions. Rent Supplement is only intended as a shorter-term housing support, with long-term needs being met by local authorities through the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) or other social housing supports.
Click here for more information about Rent Supplement
- Medical Card
A medical card is issued to residents of Ireland who are entitled to free or reduced-rate medical treatment. Those eligible fall below a certain income tax threshold or have costly ongoing medical requirements. Anyone over the age of 16 years who is ordinarily resident in the State can apply for a medical card but if you are financial dependent on your parents or guardians, they need to apply. If your only income is a means-tested Social Welfare Allowance, you will qualify.
Click here for more information about the Medical Card
- Fuel Allowance
The Fuel Allowance Scheme is a payment made to help with the cost of heating your home during the winter months. Fuel Allowance is paid to people who are on a qualifying long-term social welfare payment. Only one application for Fuel Allowance is paid to a household.
Click here for more information about the Fuel Allowance
- Back to School Clothing and Footware Allowance
Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance is a means-tested payment which aids families with the cost of clothing and footware for children starting school in the autumn.
Click here for more information about the Back to School Clothing and Footware Allowance
- Contact Us - Welfare Rights
- Advocacy Services
- Social Welfare Appeals
- Jobseekers Allowance (JA)
- Jobseekers Benefit (JB)
- Jobseekers Benefit Self-Employed (JBSE)
- Jobseekers Transition (JST)
- Back to Work Supports
- Other Social Welfare payments
- Supplementary Welfare (SWA)
- Work Experience Options
- Other Benefits and Supports
- Budget 2025