Learner Admission and Entry Requirements
Learner Admission and Entry Requirements
The programmes delivered by the INOU are of a very specific nature. As such they appeal to those who are working directly with the unemployed or those who work in an information provision setting providing information on Social Welfare supports and services and/or those distanced from the labour market. Learners are usually referred by their workplace manager. It is the responsibility of the workplace manager to refer only those that have the capacity to take part fully in the programme. It is the responsibility of the INOU to contact the manager to ensure that full consideration has been made to refer the employee to the programme.
Each learner will complete a booking form that details their personal details, who they work for, the position they hold and any special requirements. To ensure fairness admission to the programme is decided using a first come first served position. This will be made based on the date the booking form, available on our website or by request to trainingadmin@inou.ie, has been received. Each booking will be entered into a database and allocated in order of the date the application was received.
Online Learning Requirements
Our programmes are currently delivered through synchronous online learning*, which requires learners to have the necessary digital tools, such as a reliable internet connection, a computer or tablet with a camera and microphone for active participation and access to video conferencing platforms (e.g. Zoom). Additionally, a minimum of 80% online attendance is required to receive a certificate upon completion.
* Synchronous Online Learning refers to teachers and learners gathering at the same time and virtual place to interact in “real-time” (Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines, Oct 2023 V4).
Language Requirements
To participate successfully in these programmes prospective learners must be competent in the English language. Most of our learners are referred to the programme by their workplace managers for professional development purposes. Their employers have judged that the prospective learners have a command of the English language adequate for successful participation in the programme. For guidance purposes, we provide the sponsoring organisations with detailed information concerning programme requirements including the level of English competency required.
For prospective learners, who self-refer and for whom English is an additional language, we ask them to provide objective evidence of their proficiency in the English language This can include a B2 on the CEFR, IELTS 6, QQI 5N0690 Communications or QQI 5N1632 English as a Second Language. They may also access on the Internet a quick Cambridge Language assessment of English Language level for further training. DuoLingo also provide assessments of level of attainment and crucially permit learners practice opportunities in advance of completing the test.
Should a prospective learner express concerns about their ability to communicate adequately through English we support them to access upskilling assistance through the ETB, NALA, and their parent organisation.
Transfer and Progression
The INOU support the transfer and progression of learners to further qualifications, in co-operation with other QQI approved education and training providers, This will be in line with the levels outlined on the National Framework of Qualifications and European Qualifications Framework. Within our scope of provision, we recognise that completion of a Component Award enables the learner to progress to achieve a full Major Award or to transfer from one programme of education and training to another programme where the component is a mandatory or an elective requirement.
Where learners intend to progress their learning, we recommend they review the available information for linked Major Awards on the QQI website and opportunities available with other providers for obtaining Major Awards.